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IBA Site Code: IN-UP-17

State: Uttar Pradesh

District: Rai Bareily

Coordinates: 26° 00' 00” N , 81° 25' 00” E

Ownership: State

Area:799 ha

Altitude: Not available

Rainfall: 850 mm

Temperature: 4 deg º C to 48 deg º C

Biogeographic Zone: Gangetic Plain

Habitats: Freshwater Swamp

The diversity and abundance of wild animals is a valuable natural heritage of Uttar Pradesh. In winter, flocks of local and migratory birds are the main attraction of the lakes of the state. Birds have an important contribution in maintaining ecological balance. There are about 10,000 bird species present in the world. Of which about 1300 species are found in our country. Of these, more than 200 species of birds cross the immense heights of the Himalayan Mountains and reach Europe, Siberia, Mongolia, Central Asia etc., covering a distance of 10 thousand km. Covering a distance of up to 1000 meters, they come to our country for winter migration to escape the various harsh conditions of their natural habitat. Here they get abundant food and security.

In Uttar Pradesh, 13 bird sanctuaries have been established to conserve the ecosystem of the Ganga plains. Whose main objective is to conserve the biodiversity of these areas. Of these, this bird sanctuary encompasses within itself a special ecosystem. In the year 1987, Samaspur Bird Sanctuary was created with the aim of proper conservation of local and migratory birds, their natural habitat and aquatic flora and fauna. It covers approximately 799.371 hectares including Samaspur Lake and 6 other lakes. This bird sanctuary is spread in the area.

As soon as winter starts, migratory birds start arriving here from the month of November. In the months of December-January, thousands of different bird species are seen here. With the arrival of spring, migratory birds return to their respective countries in the month of March. But some local birds also make nests here and lay eggs.

This bird sanctuary has been declared an "Impartial Bird Area" by the Bombay Natural History Society. Also, this bird sanctuary has been selected by the Government of India for development under the National Wetland Conservation Programme.


Some of the biodiversity found in the bird sanctuary are as follows-

Migratory Birds : - Spot-billed Duck, Mallard, Wigeon, Tufted Pochard, Gargany Teal, Red Crested Pochard, Common Pochard, Shoveler, Gadwall, Black-headed Gull, Cotton Teal, Common Teal, Coot, Pintail, Marsh Sunpiper, White Wagtail, White-eyed. Pochard, Marsh Harrier, Chestnut Bittern, Yellow Wagtail, Large Cormorant etc. Click here to know about these birds.

Immigratory Birds : -  Little Breaded, Spoon Billed Duck Dooley and Stork It Open Billed Stork, Fanted Stork, Ga Cane, Black Necked Stork, Shikra, White Breasted Water Hen, Purple Swamp Hen, Bronze Winged Jacana, Pheasant Tailed Jacana, Blue Pigeon, Rufous Turtle Dove, different types of Kingfishers, Purple Heron, Pond Heron, Black Dragoon, Black Winged Stilt, Jungle Babbler, Bee-eater, Hudhud, Cuckoo, Peacock, Rose Ringed Parakeet etc.

Fish: Rohu, Bam, Suya, Dedla, Mangur, Nain, Sidhri, Katla, Saur, Girai, Sindhi, Padhan etc.

Amphibians and Reptiles: Many frogs, various turtles, pythons, two-headed snakes, Paniha, Dhamin, Nag, Karat etc.

Lizards and Chameleons: Geckos, chameleons, iguanas and lizards.

Wild animals: Jungle cat, civet, fishing cat, mongoose, jackal, mole rat, squirrel, rat, rohi, wild rabbit, nilgai etc.

Flora: Acacia, Dhak, Arjun, Prosopis, Peepal, Date, Mahua, Karonda, Kanji, Neem and some aquatic plants like Khaja Uticularia, Nari, Narai, Hydila, Nagarmotha Kamal Kumudini, Nilofar Jalrani, Pate Jaljal etc.


Tourist facilities:

Many facilities have been created in Samaspur Bird Sanctuary for the tourists and other visitors. C.C. paver road and

The dike-built roads have been made in such a way that the tourists can easily observe the birds while visiting the bird sanctuary and enjoy the picturesque and peaceful environment. Various types of signage, theme park, bird interpretation center for the information of general public. are created. Drinking water system and toilets have been constructed for public convenience. There are swings, slides and swings in the children's park built for the entertainment of children. Observation of birds by eco friendly watch tower, boat ghat and view sheds located various places.

Fees payable for entry into the sanctuary:















Know More about Samaspur Bird Sanctuary. Click here.


Entry Fee
Movie Camera
Still Camera (SLR Zoom)
Two Wheeler Vehicle
Per Person

Visitors Footfall

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Total Visitors in year 

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-18 at 14.14.04.jpeg

Total Visitors in year 2021-22

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Total Visitors in year 2020-21

Comments (2)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
5.0 | 2 Ratings

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It was a great experience.

himanshu singh
himanshu singh
Nov 18, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It was a great experience visiting Samaspur bird sanctuary. One should visit this place 😍

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