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Points to consider for a pleasant bird watching trip
  • Follow the rules and instructions of bird watching. This will provide protection and enrichment to the birds as well as give you a pleasant experience while travelling.

  • Maintain peace, do not make unnecessary noise as it causes discomfort to the birds. Enjoy the unforgettable activities of the variety of birds of different species, sizes and colors.

  • It would be advisable to keep binoculars and bird guide book with you so that it becomes easier to identify birds. Will happen.

  • Get support from local staff, they can give you useful information regarding birds.

The following activities are prohibited in bird watching. Violation of these is a punishable offence:

1. Night tour by tourists.

2. Carrying any kind of net or firearm, smoking or lighting a fire in a bird sanctuary.

3. Causing damage to the flora, fauna, birds and assets found in the bird sanctuary.

4. Use of vehicle horns, radios, tape recorders or other types of noise polluting devices in the bird sanctuary.

5. Carrying any kind of harmful chemical or explosive material.

6. Entering the water area, hunting fish or other wild animals and any kind of Causing damage to trees and plants.

7. Throwing any kind of garbage, polythene, glass bottles, plastic, tin cans etc. and spreading filth in the bird sanctuary.

8. Constructive cooperation is expected from all visitors in the conservation of bird sanctuary.

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