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IBA Site Code: IN-UP-09

State: Uttar Pradesh

District: Farrukhabad

Coordinates: 27° 30' 00” N , 79° 30' 00” E

Ownership: State

Area:8024 ha

Altitude: Not available

Rainfall: 900 mm

Temperature: 4 deg º C to 40 deg º C

Biogeographic Zone: Gangetic Plain

Habitats: Freshwater Swamp

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is a very important wildlife sanctuary among the 25 wildlife sanctuaries of Uttar Pradesh. This sanctuary is situated in Haseran block of Tirwa tehsil of the historical and famous fragrance city of Kannauj, which is made up of two lakes named Lakh and Bah. Spread over approximately 80 square kilometres, the range of this wildlife sanctuary extends in 5 villages namely Lakh, Bahosi, Barauli, Bariamau and Purarai. This bird sanctuary was established in 1988 with the objective of protecting the wetlands and the migratory and non-resident birds coming here and preserving the natural habitat (which includes aquatic plants and other wild animals).

Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary is a high quality refuge for various types of migratory and non-resident birds in autumn and provides protection and abundant food to the visiting birds. About 1300 species of birds are found in India. In which more than 200 species are migratory. These birds come from countries like Tibet, Central AsiaEurope, Siberia and China etc. Most of the migratory birds come here in winter after crossing the high peaks of the Himalayas and completing a flight of about 8000 km or more. Along with the migratory birds, seeing many types of local migratory and local birds also frolicking in the clear waters of the lake enthralls the tourists.

Due to the high quality of Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary, the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) has identified it as an Important Bird Sanctuary.


Migratory birds:


Gray Lag Goose, Bar Headed Goose, Pintail, Common Teal, Gargany Teal, Red Crested Pochard, Wigeon, Gatewall, Shoveler, Common Coot, Great Crested Greaves, Mallard, White Gull, Great White Pelican etc. Click here to know about these birds.


Local migrants/local birds:


Sarus Crane, Openville Stork, Painted Stork, White Necked Stork, Black Necked Stork, White Ibis, Glassy Ibis, Black Ibis, Darter, Cormorant, White Breasted Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher, Spoonbill, Egrets, Purple HeronGay Heron, Black Dragon, Pheasanttailed Jacana, Bronzewinged Jacana, Spot Bill Duck, Whistling Teal, Comp Duck, Indian Moorhen, Pigeon, Parakeets, Bluejay, Hoopoe, Myna, Bee Eater etc.


Bird Interpretation Center:


A high quality bird interpretation center is situated on the banks of Bahosi Lake. Different species of birds have been displayed through models, pictures etc. to introduce the general public and children to the world of birds and to develop public awareness for conservation. There are arrangements in the Bird Interpretation Center to introduce the visitors to bird sanctuaries through moving pictures.


Tourist facilities:


Many facilities have been created for the tourists and other visitors to visit Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary. Road and bike park routes have been made in such a way that the tourists can easily observe the birds while visiting the bird sanctuary and enjoy the picturesque, peaceful and pleasant environment. Various types of signage and bird interpretation centers have also been created for the information of the general public and people.

For convenience, drinking water system and toilets have been constructed. Swings and slides in the children's park built for the entertainment of children and swing is present. Watch towers, boat ghats and view-sheds located at various places provide the best places for bird observation.

There is a  Van Vishram Bhawan and BIC have been upgraded and made of excellent quality.


Fees payable for entry into the sanctuary: 

















Entry Fee
Movie Camera
Still Camera (SLR Zoom)
Two Wheeler Vehicle
Per Person

Visitors Footfall

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Total Visitors in year 

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Total Visitors in year 2021-22

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Total Visitors in year 2020-21

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